
We are a Parish Church of the Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth and of the worldwide Anglican Communion. We understand ourselves to be a part of the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church.
At Saint Gregory's you will encounter a community of disciples intent on worshipping the Lord Jesus Christ and who are committed to the faith once delivered to the saints. We are people committed to Holy Scripture and to the Sacraments. It is because of this that we are also committed to service and outreach.

 Morning Prayer is live streamed through St. Gregory's facebook page Monday through Friday at 8:45 am. 


In-person services on Sunday and Wednesday have resumed with restrictions.  Services are also live streamed via facebook at:     https://www.facebook.com/St-Gregorys-Anglican-Church-277264069301633

In person service restrictions are:

Social Distancing

  • Alternating pews are blocked off to maintain proper distance between individuals and families

  • Communion will be distributed in front of the altar, in one kind (bread only) by families/individuals so as not to utilize the altar rail

  • Families/individuals will be dismissed separately

Sanitation Measures

  • Main doors will remain open during arrival and dismissal so door knobs remain untouched

  • All non-porous surfaces will be sanitized following each service

  • Prayer Books and Hymnals are removed and one-time-use service bulletins will be distributed

  • The offertory plate will not be passed but instead be centrally located

  • Hand Sanitizer is available outside the restroom and everyone is asked to please use it before entering the restroom

Mask wearing is mandatory for the 9am Sunday Mass, please provide your own mask.

For the time being there will be no nursery care, Sunday School, or coffee hour before, during or after the service and the office building will be locked and inaccessible